Jaco Benckhuijsen

Man in het Wild

%Jaco Benckhuijsen is schrijver, muzikant en avonturier in de wildernis. In 2019 verscheen zijn boek ‘Man in het Wild’, over drie zeekajaktochten aan de randen van de Grote Oceaan. Momenteel treedt hij op met het ‘Man in het Wild’ filmconcert. Boek kaartjes via de speellijst hiernaast!
Het boek ‘Man in het Wild’ is nog steeds verkrijgbaar: stuur mij een email.%


what it is to me


Come on, is it really necessary to add another defenition of art? Not really. But when I think about what makes music, painting, dancing, writing or whatever special to me, it seems that these thoughts get clearer and clearer to me. And stating what it means to me, helps me appreciate and communicate about it.

For me, art is in the first place hypercommunication. so it is something which involves a sender, a receiver and a message. And the message has many layers. That for me is the great thing. You say many things at the same time. You communicate on so many levels. You could be expressing a very personal feeling and at the same time make a statement about your art. You could show something beautiful and at the same time transmit a moral message.

These multiple layers make up a large protion of what art is to me. In a beatiful set of words you can transmit beauty, culture, emotion, sexuality, spirituality at the same time. And so it is able to catch some a part of the complexity of life, that couldn’t otherwise be expressed. That is the value of art.

Now what kind of medium you would use for that seems to me not essential. There is the art of drawing and the art of dancing. There is the art of scuplture and the art of improvisation. The thing that they have in common for me is that they make use of a medium that is capable of communicating complex messages. Language is such a medium. Body movements as well. And lines drawn on a paper. That’s why I would say we just need a ‘field of possibilities’ that can be understood by other humans.

That’s why I would like to state that to me, art is the result of a dedicated human activity in any field of possibilities, aimed at communicating meaning on easthetic, emotional, physical, cultural, technical, moral and/or spiritual levels.

Now it’s your turn.

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